October 2020


Super Minis U9 7 - 8 years years 2013 - 2012
Minis U11 8 - 10 years years 2012 - 2010
Minors U13 11 - 12 years years 2009 - 2008
Pre-Cadets U15 13 - 14 years years 2007 - 2006
Cadets U18 15 - 17 years years 2005 - 2003
Juniors U21 18 - 20 years years 2002 - 2000
Seniors 21 and more year 1999 and older
ME, MS European Championship, World Championship
YOG Youth Olympic Games
SP, GS, GP World Cup, Grand Slam, Grand Prix
EC European Cup
M - SR Slovak Republic Championship
MT International Tournament
VC veľká cena
VT Training Camp