June 2018

M-SR žiakov

02. 06. 2018 | Zvolen
U13, U15
Tournament category: Home tournament
Coaches: Branislav Babic, Vladimír Torónyi, Miloš Štefanovský
*To see judoka profile click on his name.
  Surname and Name Birth Year Age Category Weight Category Wins Losses Place Points
1 Jankovič Juraj 2004 U15 50 kg 3 0 1 45
2 Lantaj Matúš 2004 U15 +73 kg   3 0 1 45
3 Zelenáková Zuzana 2007 U13 44 kg 3 0 1 45
4 Bruna Dávid 2004 U15 60 kg 3 1 2 40
5 Krivošík Jakub 2006 U13 46 kg 3 1 2 40
6 Boskovičová Timea 2006 U13 44 kg 2 1 2 35
7 Donoval Matej 2004 U15 73 kg 2 1 2 35
8 Hos Hugo 2004 U15 +73 kg   2 1 2 35
9 Mravec Šimon 2005 U15 38 kg 2 1 2 35
10 Imrišek Viktor 2004 U15 66 kg 4 1 3 40
11 Štefánik Timotej 2005 U15 60 kg 4 1 3 40
12 Maslač Rajko 2006 U13 42 kg 3 1 3 35
13 Nagyová Nina 2005 U15 57 kg 2 1 3 30
14 Pecha Matej 2006 U13 55 kg 2 1 3 30
15 Podhorová Lilly 2006 U13 40 kg 2 2 3 30
16 Pánisová Hanka 2006 U13 48 kg 1 2 3 25
17 Krivošík Matej 2005 U15 55 kg 2 2 5 20
18 Rak Martin 2007 U13 42 kg 2 2 5 20
19 Gatci Samuel 2006 U13 42 kg 1 2 7 12
20 Drábik Daniel 2005 U15 42 kg 0 2 7 0
21 Kysel Matej 2005 U15 55 kg 0 2 0
22 Milý Maroš 2007 U13 46 kg 0 2 0

EC Leibnitz

02. 06. 2018 - 03. 06. 2018 | AUT
Tournament category: National tournament
*To see judoka profile click on his name.
  Surname and Name Birth Year Age Category Weight Category Wins Losses Place Points
1 Turac Denis 2000 U21 90 kg 2 2 9 91
2 Benko Jozef 1999 U21 73 kg 0 1 0

ME Sarajevo

28. 06. 2018 - 30. 06. 2018 | BIH
Tournament category: National tournament
Coaches: Branislav Babic, Alexandra Péterová
*To see judoka profile click on his name.
  Surname and Name Birth Year Age Category Weight Category Wins Losses Place Points
1 Geršiová Nina 2001 U18 70 kg 2 2 5 140


Super Minis U9 7 - 8 years years 2011 - 2010
Minis U11 8 - 10 years years 2010 - 2008
Minors U13 11 - 12 years years 2007 - 2006
Pre-Cadets U15 13 - 14 years years 2005 - 2004
Cadets U18 15 - 17 years years 2003 - 2001
Juniors U21 18 - 20 years years 2000 - 1998
Seniors 21 and more year 1997 and older
ME, MS European Championship, World Championship
YOG Youth Olympic Games
SP, GS, GP World Cup, Grand Slam, Grand Prix
EC European Cup
M - SR Slovak Republic Championship
MT International Tournament
VC veľká cena
VT Training Camp